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Sodus Community Health

(315) 483-1199

6341 Ridge Rd Suite 2100, Sodus, NY - 14551


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Área de servicios

Sodus Community Health is a comprehensive healthcare facility located in Sodus, New York. With their dental services, they strive to provide excellent oral care to the community.

The pros of Sodus Community Health are:

  • Wide range of dental services: From routine dental check-ups to complex procedures, they offer a comprehensive range of services to meet the diverse needs of patients.
  • Experienced dental professionals: The clinic has a team of highly skilled and experienced dentists who are dedicated to delivering top-notch dental care and ensuring patient satisfaction.
  • Affordable prices: Sodus Community Health offers competitive prices for their dental services, making quality oral care accessible to a broad range of individuals.
  • On the other hand, there are a few cons to consider:

  • Long wait times: Due to the popularity of the clinic, wait times can be longer than desirable. However, the quality of care received makes it worth the wait.
  • Limited parking: The clinic has limited parking space, which can be inconvenient for patients visiting during peak hours. Arriving early or carpooling may help mitigate this issue.
  • Occasional appointment delays: While the staff at Sodus Community Health strives to maintain a timely schedule, occasional appointment delays may occur due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • In conclusion, Sodus Community Health is an exceptional dental clinic in Sodus, New York. They offer a wide range of dental services performed by experienced professionals at affordable prices. Despite potential wait times and limited parking, the quality of care provided outweighs these inconveniences. Whether you need a routine check-up or a more complex procedure, Sodus Community Health is a reliable choice for your dental needs.

    • 2022-02-24 Charged Sliding Scale $700
    • 2018-06-13 Charged Sliding Scale $190
    • Primary Care
    • Pediatric
    • OB/GYN
    • Family Planning
    • Dental
    • Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Testing
    • HIV/AIDS Testing
    • Lab
    • Hepatitis C Treatment
    • HIV/AIDS Treatment
    • Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Treatment
    • Immunizations
    • Cholesterol Screening/Lipid Panel Test
    • Diabetes Screening
    • Blood Pressure Screening
    • English
    Horario de oficina

      By Appointment Only